Channel Media Group

Meet the Team

Caitlin McCarthy


Michelle Borczuch


Ann Kukich


Anna Cornett


Kevin McCarthy


Lori Wares


Veronica Lanzer




Caitlin and her home-office helper Buster. 

    Caitlin McCarthy 

    President “The Captain of Our Ship

    “The best part about my job is leading a team of incredibly talented and motivated individuals! Equally, my favorite is working with our wonderful clients to create custom programs that take their marketing efforts to the next level of success.”

    “Caitlin is an art school student who graduated with a degree in fashion, her career deviated from that route as soon as she was immersed in the world of marketing. She spent 10 years working with brands and agencies on their marketing and sales teams. Though her passion is in entrepreneurship. For 5 years Caitlin was president of a natural products marketing company prior to launching Channel Media Group.

    Caitlin enjoys all of the programs that offer freebies for Essential Workers. “It’s so awesome to see the excitement that’s generated by rewarding these hard-working and often underappreciated individuals!”

    When asked; What’s the one brand that you would love to work with? Caitlin says, “Snacks, snacks, snacks! Our network loves to snack, and it would be a blast to generate buzz and excitement around more products in this category! Salty or sweet, bring it on!” 

    When Caitlin is not working, she is enjoying her home city of Chicago and traveling in equal doses. Adventuring and exploring new places at every opportunity. She also enjoys hanging with her amazing nieces and nephews, family, and closest friends, crafting, cooking, and creating.

    Fun fact about Caitlin, “I’m a master at the Claw Machine game. The old school versions are my specialty.”

    “It always seems impossible until it’s done” Nelson Mandela

      Michelle Borczuch 

      Senior Account Director “Universal Hat Wearer”

      At Channel Media Group, Michelle is our Senior Account Director doing “A little bit of this, and a little bit of that”, as she describes it. She has a background in Client Service. Her favorite project with CMG so far is Red Bull, “because it was the most challenging”.

      For future projects, Michelle would like to work with any brand in the snack industry. “The Network LOVES to receive free samples and it is always so rewarding to share the feedback with the client.” 

      When Michelle is not working, she enjoys fishing, gardening, yoga and watching her children grow into amazing young men. 

      Fun fact about Michelle “I am very competitive, and can be a sore looser! Ask my children!!!” 

      Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says “I’m Possible”. Audrey Hepburn 

        Michelle and her office helper Lily AKA Bob Barker (because she barks A LOT sometimes)

          Ann enjoys spending time with her office helpers Gracie and Ruben, “My two dogs who let me know when packages and mail arrive, and also make sure I get up from my desk and go for walks.” 

            Ann Kukich 

            Systems Analyst “Our Data Wiz”

            Ann manages technical aspects of systems, data, and data structures that help support Channel Media Groups’ abilities to reach targeted audiences and program production. Her background is in Coursework and Certifications for Microsoft, Data Analytics, and popular CRMs. “I have worked with Database structuring and data processes for over 25 years, and I love what I do.”

            Ann’s favorite project so far is the Channel Media Group start-up, which she says was an invigorating challenge. For future projects and brands, she would love to work with ” Anything related to Chocolate!”

            When Ann is not working, she enjoys hanging out with family and friends, cooking, eating, and enjoying her animals.

            Fun fact about Ann, she is a History buff for sure and loves binging on History related documentaries and movies when she has time. Also, she says, “I can type all 196 countries in alphabetical order in less than 6 minutes (and backwards)”.

            Carpe Diem” 

              Anna Cornett 

              Network Manager “Freebies for All Distributer”

              At Channel Media Group, Anna engages with the network and makes sure we are getting the right number of samples to the right address so employees can enjoy them! Her professional background is in education. Anna was an elementary teacher for 10 years and has also taught art, music, and health.  She naturally has a soft spot in her heart for all the teachers we send freebies to!

              Anna has a hard time picking a favorite brand she’s worked with. “AARP does such important work for our employees and their families, but Wendy’s puts a smile on people’s faces right away.  I think I most enjoyed the challenge of convincing people they were actually getting free Red Bull products in the mail. I would love to do a program with Tony’s Chocoloney.  They’ve got a great mission and great chocolate bars!” 

              When Anna is not working, she loves to hike and explore nature with her family.   

              Fun fact about Anna “I love to travel. I love exploring other landscapes and cultures, and the stories that come from those experiences.”  

              “The truest, most beautiful life never promises to be an easy one.” -Glennon Doyle 

                Anna and her two office helpers. “My favorite at-home office helpers sometimes chime in when I’m making network phone calls, and occasionally need snack during my zoom meetings.”  

                  Lori and her office helpers Cherri and Zeus. “They are the greatest home office helpers…they seem to know when I need to take a break, so they’ll come over so I can give them some attention!” 

                    Lori Wares 

                    Finance & Legal “Our Numbers Gal That Keeps Us Out of Trouble”

                    At Channel Media Group, Lori is our numbers person. She closes the books each month and makes sure the bills (and people) get paid. Her background is in Finance and Accounting. Lori graduated from Cleveland State and has worked with numbers ever since. 

                    When asked what her favorite project is that she worked on, she says, “I enjoyed helping CMG get started…exciting to see everything come together! Also, in general, working with the Consumer Packaged Goods companies are great – love to see employees getting product samples!” 

                    When Lori is not working, she enjoys taking on cooking projects. “I confess that I can watch the Cooking Channel and Food Network all day if I have the time!!”

                    Fun fact about Lori she learned to scuba dive about 10 years ago -” it’s the greatest feeling to dive into the ocean and see all of the beautiful sea life.”

                    “Just Do It!” -Nike 

                      Veronica Lanzer 

                      Marketing & Content Creator “Keeps Us Looking Good”

                      At Channel Media Group, Veronica works with anything and everything related to marketing. Website, Social Media, Email campaigns, Newsletters – “I make things look presentable, and love what I do!”. Her background is in marketing and sales in the Travel industry.

                      Veronica enjoys any CMG project that allows her to be creative and make it look representative for the client. For future projects, she looks forward to working with recurring clients as well as any snack or coffee brand.

                      When Veronica is not working, she loves to spend time with family and friends. She also enjoys traveling and outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and spending time on the beach.

                      Fun fact about Veronica “I worked as a ski instructor in Sweden and at a hotel in Italy. Coached soccer for years, at various levels from tenderfoot to women’s college team.”

                      “Do the thing you think you cannot do!” – Eleanor Roosevelt  

                        Veronica and her office helper Luna. “She is always by myside and reminds me to get moving after being stuck to the computer for too long.”  

                          Favorite office helper is my boss and sister, Caitlin McCarthy – we talk a lot! 

                          Kevin McCarthy 

                          Advisor “Our Out of the Box Thinker”

                          At Channel Media Group, Kevin is our out-of-the-box thinker, working with Marketing and Operations Strategies. He has a background in service, the music industry, technology, and marketing. Kevin’s favorite project with Channel Media Group is the Post-It Extreme Sampling Campaign. Kind is on top of his list of future brands to work with.

                          When Kevin is not working, he enjoys running, playing with his kids, writing and performing music, and hanging with friends and family.

                          Fun fact about Kevin; “I like every single way a potato can be prepared”.

                          “Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.” –Hāfiz

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